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Concessionario per l'Italia di LX Navigation d.o.o.



LX Remote Stick

“Se serve organizzare multiple informazioni si può aggiungere un ripettiore”



    Authoritative and easy handling of LX instrument

    Simple installation, all plug and play

    Only 4 wires due to LX bus solution

    8 keys plus PTT and speed command button

    Flexible diameters from 19,3 mm up to 25,4mm

    Leather coated


Designed for different diameters:


    19.3mm (DG, LAK)

    20mm (SH, LS, Stemme, Apis, EB29)

    24mm(Schleicher, Pipistrel Taurus, Alisport Silent, EB28)

    25,4mm (JS)


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